House of EPIC

The following accounts are approximately as random as we are. A few parts arts and a few parts sciences, this is our house: the House of EPIC. Would you like to stay for dinner? We made spaghetti.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Artful pickup lines

Continuing the trend of pickup lines:
Here are a few artsy pick up lines

"Sorry for staring, I thought your face was a work of art."

"Baby you're so fine you could make an impression on Monet."

"How about you and I go downstairs and brush up on our strokes?"

"Until I met you, I never really understood Van Gogh's motivation for mutilation. Please stay away from me, for if you break my heart, I shudder to think what I would cut off."

At an art museum: "Here I am, in a city of millions, surrounded by some of the finest works of art known to humanity, and all I can look at is you."

In front of a Picasso: "Picasso's rabid intensity is revealed often in his work. Really though, he was lucky. My rabid intensity only shows up in the bedroom."

For a graphic designer:
"I wish I had an eyedropper to capture the color of your eyes."

"Has anybody ever told you that your teeth have perfect kerning?"

"Come back to my place and I'll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space."

"If I went to a stock photography site and typed in the keyword 'sexy' I bet there'd be a picture of you."

"I like my fonts sans-serif and you sans-pants."

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