House of EPIC

The following accounts are approximately as random as we are. A few parts arts and a few parts sciences, this is our house: the House of EPIC. Would you like to stay for dinner? We made spaghetti.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thoughts of a Monkey (take 2)

At Boll, our main computer is mostly on screensaver. We, as a group, collect demotivational posters to put as the screensavers. So.. when I'm bored, I've decided to post them as Thoughts of a Monkey.. (here at Boll, we are known as monkeys, its a general theatre term..)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Thoughts of a Monkey

A reflection on commas

Just a little observation:
As an American, when I see a comma in a number I immediately think "thousand". So when something costs 23,00 Euros my initial reaction, however brief, is "HOLY CRAP, 23,000!?!?" Then I notice there are only two 0's, not three.

The shock was fleeting, but it was there. After the first or second time, you remember and are no longer freaked out of your mind at how expensive everything seems. Then you just know that 23,00 is really 23.00.

Then after you've spent a lot of money and are comfortable with this whole comma thing, you remember that 23,00 isn't really 23.00. It's really $30.95.

Now imagine this whole process happening over and over again, and you've just had a typical tourist shopping experience in Europe.

Friday, April 9, 2010

How I Spend My Weekends (In a really non-social way...)

Class 9-1
Work 1-5 (normally)
talent show/ concert 5-11
bed hopefully by midnight??

irish dance concert 9-5:30
ethics group meeting 6
maybe actually hanging out with friends???

I think I get to sleep in...and I don't think I work...

upcoming schoolwork:
ethics project (due thursday)
dynamics homework
mechanics homework
calc test
dynamics test
ethics final? (my prof is really cool, the final is optional!!!)

oh to be an engineer...I love my major. I love my job. Things just get a little stressful at times...


(I'm not creative... I blog about my life, its trials, tribulations, and small enjoyments...)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bored at Work 3: Easter Edition!

Happy Easter, Everybody!

Here's a fun Easter game for all of you!
The Easter Bunny hid 5 eggs. Can you find all 5?

Did you find all 5 eggs? Yay!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bored at Work 2: Tug-o-War

Team 2's strategy centered on their high ground advantage. Unfortunately they learned that high ground is more of a disadvantage when it comes to Tug-o-War.
Team 1 had gravity on their side. Yeah, laws of physics!

An Engineer's Pick Up Lines...

I won't stop bugging you until I get the address of your homepage.
You fascinate me more than the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus.
Since distance equals velocity times time, let's let velocity and time aproach infinity, because I want to go all the way with you.
My love for you is like a concave up function because it is always increasing.
Let's convert our potential energy to kinetic energy.
Wanna come back to my room? ... and see my 300mHz Pentium II?
How about you and me go back to myplace and form a covalent bond?
You and I would add up better than a Riemann Sum.
You're sweeter than fructose.
We're as compatible as two similar Power Macintoshes.
Why don't we measure the coefficient of static friction between you and me?
Wanna see the programs in my HP?
Your body has the nicest arc length I've ever seen.
You're hotter than a bunsen burner set to full power!
I'd like to browse through your clothes like I browse through Netscape.
Hey babe, let's make a stress-strain curve together.

with many more to top ten reasons to date an engineer....

break seems to be going well. I've been trying to get homework done on top of everything the family wants to do. Tomorrow we go to repair my glasses, and then do homework all day. My ethics class has an interview paper due soon. And I have a calc test on thursday. So while everyone else enjoys break, I am the typical engineer, stuck inside on a gorgeous day doing homework. (although i did wash my car today...) see you all back on campus on Monday!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Bored at Work: Meet Calvin the Crane

This is Calvin. Calvin is a Crane.
Calvin used to live in pristine waters so clear you could see the rocks below.
Now Calvin’s home waters are dirty and polluted. Calvin’s wings get stuck in garbage.
You can save Calvin.
Protect our wildlife, and keep our waters clean. Don’t pollute.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Anti-Freshmen gun

In order to protect the EPIC house from stupid drunken freshmen we have our anti-freshmen gun. I feel our beer will be safe from them now.

Artful pickup lines

Continuing the trend of pickup lines:
Here are a few artsy pick up lines

"Sorry for staring, I thought your face was a work of art."

"Baby you're so fine you could make an impression on Monet."

"How about you and I go downstairs and brush up on our strokes?"

"Until I met you, I never really understood Van Gogh's motivation for mutilation. Please stay away from me, for if you break my heart, I shudder to think what I would cut off."

At an art museum: "Here I am, in a city of millions, surrounded by some of the finest works of art known to humanity, and all I can look at is you."

In front of a Picasso: "Picasso's rabid intensity is revealed often in his work. Really though, he was lucky. My rabid intensity only shows up in the bedroom."

For a graphic designer:
"I wish I had an eyedropper to capture the color of your eyes."

"Has anybody ever told you that your teeth have perfect kerning?"

"Come back to my place and I'll show you a really naughty way to fill up some negative space."

"If I went to a stock photography site and typed in the keyword 'sexy' I bet there'd be a picture of you."

"I like my fonts sans-serif and you sans-pants."