House of EPIC

The following accounts are approximately as random as we are. A few parts arts and a few parts sciences, this is our house: the House of EPIC. Would you like to stay for dinner? We made spaghetti.

Monday, March 29, 2010

An Epic Is Born...Or Two.

So I was really, really bored at work the other day (hey, it's not my fault I'm super efficient) and I decided to begin the Rachel Dictionary in order to enlighten people who are frequently confused by my phraseology. I doodled in the margins while I tried to remember all those important Rachelisms, and thus was Ninja Dude born. Therefore, without further ado, I give you:
The Rachel Dictionary:
Long Words, Short Words, and Non-words.

HUNGRY! = my stomach's talking to my backbone, where the f*** is my food?

hungryhungryhungry = I am now focused entirely on the prospect of food. If you want me to pay attention, feed me.

hungry, I am = I am going to eat your food. This is your last chance to hide the crack brownies/chex mix.

I don't eschew obfuscation = I like big words.

floccinaucinihilipilification = the estimation of something as valueless.

ness = stuff

arbitrary = 1. random 2. aesthetic 3. insignificant

ninja = n. the Hubbard clan v. 1. to sneak 2. to

1 comment:

Jenny Biette said...


I also find it amusing that you can see the other side of the paper peeking through :) It's a sneak preview!

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