House of EPIC

The following accounts are approximately as random as we are. A few parts arts and a few parts sciences, this is our house: the House of EPIC. Would you like to stay for dinner? We made spaghetti.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Battle Scene (TRD Part 7)

I didn't want to traumatize anyone so here's a nice, soothing self-portrait:
cool places = anywhere that sells novel or unusual foods.

squeegee = 1. old, ragged, not highly valued (usually clothes/shoes) 2. those really awesome
sponge thingys

shindiggythingy = meeting, event, party, etc.

thingything = whatchamacallit

semi- (i.e. semi-arbitrary) = sometimes, for the most part

savez = from the french "savez-vous?" which means "you know?". The original ancestor of
"savvy" before those English bastards bastardized it.

inane = meaningless. not to be confused with "insane"

comments = often cryptic, usually meaningless words spouted seemingly at random. frequently
intended to provoke a specific reaction.

Margin Text: The battle scene was deemed too traumatic. Here is a picture of a cat.

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