House of EPIC

The following accounts are approximately as random as we are. A few parts arts and a few parts sciences, this is our house: the House of EPIC. Would you like to stay for dinner? We made spaghetti.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010



Friday, June 18, 2010

TRD 8: Buried Treasure

The Pirate from the Edge of the World was just minding his own business, burying some booty, when that dastardly Celt started chopping through the bottom of the page...

rolls eyes= you can't see me, but i wanted to make my annoyance apparent.

giggle giggle snort= I'm making fun of you. subtly.

toastified= 1. screwed 2. really, really drunk/high 3. destroyed 4. transformed into toast

obvidently= combination of "obviously" and "evidently"

paper clips= holy crap they're shaped like trombones!

goddamn you princess= expression of exasperation. no I am not actually calling you a princess.

mildly= 1. opposite of majorly 2. I'm feeling it, but not taking it seriously (i.e. mildly offended)



Thursday, May 20, 2010

If your a superhero you get money for college!

So like most college students i am broke beyond belief. Since i habitually suffer from this i random surf the internet for new and exciting scholarships! yeah, i know i am lame. Anyhow i found this scholarship, where the essay question is if you had a superpower what would it be and how would this help you. The essay has got to be less than 250 words, and this essay is the only real question they ask. GPA, clubs, saving kitties, and other usual things people care about are not considered for this scholarship. in other words it was actually fun to apply too.
here is the link if you want to apply too!

the below is my response albeit the unedited version. The truth is though its a lie, i rather have the ability to fall asleep on a textbook and wake up and inherently understand the knowledge it contained. However i felt that would you know would make me look lazy. which is true but the image you want to send to people with money.

I would want my skin to impervious to damage. As a chemistry major and a klutz, I feel this is an evolutionary must.
I can not remember the number of times I have tripped over my own feet and scraped my elbow. Or how many times I got a little silver iodide on my hand staining it brown for a week. With such a great gift of impervious skin, this bruise free me would be just the beginning.
I could become more heavily involved with the research we do on campus. Especially the really dangerous parts, with unstable chemicals. while not having to worry about losing any of my flesh. I would also be able to walk down a flight of stairs and after eventually tripping over my feet I would not have broken a bone.
unfortunately, impervious skin would have a couple drawbacks. I could never get another shot from the doctor... actually that sounds like a plus. Despite being left vulnerable to the flu without a vaccine, it still sounds like a positive. Then again if my skin was impervious i couldn't give blood anymore. This would be a shame, but the no shot thing is making me extremely happy right now.
The one superpower I would want would be impervious skin, and it would help me in my future career paths. enabling my penchant to explore the scientific road despite its many dangers.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

And So it Begins...

Well, summer is officially here. Everyone's moved off campus (some only temporarily...I do believe Siobhan is actually already moved back in.). As summer begins everyone is switching out of school mode. Oh how I wish my only concern was for how long I could lay out in the sun, but alas, reality hit soon after Jeremy left my house.
Currently, the house is discussing what dishes and other kitcheny items to bring next year. I think we're all excited for the House of Epic. So far I think we have the basics. (Although still looking for a good set of knives (for the chopping boards...)) And Jamie found a wok?!!! Erin's currently raiding her parents basement for items to steal. And I'm making an attempt to reorganize all of my college stuff. It's kind of taken over both the living room and basement. I've already thrown away a whole garbage bag worth of stuff. The idea is to consolidate. Next year, in the House of Epic, space will be at a premium. At least we assume.
In other news, Cincinnati is absolutely gorgeous at the moment. It's not too hot, and not too cold, and the skies are a bright blue. Currently I'm sitting out on my front porch. Although its a tad chilly here in the shade. I spent my job researching and applying for jobs. I need something for the summer because I almost refuse to go back to Kings Island. While I enjoyed the people I worked with, and the job. The hours were rather inflexible and I dealt with people (guests) who literally thought the Effiel Tower in the Park was the original from London, England....(yeah, explain THAT one to me...) Currently I've applied to Barnes and Noble, Bath and Body Works, Yankee Candle, and Borders. Borders is the only one with a job opening, and its within their cafe. But still. I also am sending an application to Deerfield Township, where I live, for a camp counsler position. We'll see if I get it. I dont' exactly have the qualifications at the moment. But I'd be willing to attend CPR and First Aid classes. I've let mine lapse. I used to hold my certifications in them. The job would be amazing because it's Monday through Thursday 8-2. So I'd get weekends off to visit Jeremy!!!! ;) which will challenging none to say the least. A four to five hour drive awaits me if I want to see him. And his business is booming this year. He's booked solid for the next three weeks. But alas.

I guess that's all for now. I think most everyone else is busy trying to start their summer...


Monday, April 12, 2010

Thoughts of a Monkey (take 2)

At Boll, our main computer is mostly on screensaver. We, as a group, collect demotivational posters to put as the screensavers. So.. when I'm bored, I've decided to post them as Thoughts of a Monkey.. (here at Boll, we are known as monkeys, its a general theatre term..)